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December and January Goals

December 3, 2009

Look at me, I’m such an overachiever!  I already have my January goals!

I’m in the final days of completing my school projects.  A goal I’ve been striving for since 2007 will be complete:  earn my Master’s part time while working full time.  I switched schools, moved cross country, took 9 months off, and accelerated my pace this last quarter… still, I’m about to do it.  Almost there.  I remember mapping out how long it would take me and thinking how far away the end seemed.  And it is (almost) here.

But.  All that I can think about is:  “What next?!!?  A sprint tri?  Take up surfing?  Train for a marathon!?  Max out my 401k!  Take a photography class!  Learn French!  What next!?  I need a challenge!”

I’m not even done yet!  This needs to stop. I mean, first, I just need to focus at the task at hand.  But second, I need to chill.  Just for awhile.  I want to give myself a little time to explore things without committing to any specific challenge.

Thus I present my December 2009 and January 2010 goals:

  1. RELAX

That’s it.  Don’t get me wrong, I still have a ton of stuff I want to do and will get done.  I want to go on a backpacking trip around new years (3-day weekend!) and I want to go hiking ASAP (next weekend, probably).  I want to start up my clothing 2010 project I’ve been thinking about, and I want to get a pedicure and clean out my car.  I want to run more and practice more yoga and read and write and swim and cook and bake and oh, plan that wedding . . .You get the idea.

I’m not good at this whole “relax” stuff!  At the very least, I want to do it all 100% pressure free.  Finance wise, I’m going to keep my 401k where it is at and strive to save as much as I can.  But I’m not going to put a number on it.

I’m putting off any further 2010 goals until I feel less insane.

14 Comments leave one →
  1. December 3, 2009 8:56 pm

    Hahaha! You tricked me! =)

    I love that goal.

  2. December 3, 2009 9:10 pm

    It’s good to make goals, but after your big accomplishment this month it will be nice for you to relax with no pressure! Congratulations 🙂

  3. December 3, 2009 9:33 pm

    Sometimes that is the best thing you can do for both yourself and those around you.

  4. erika permalink
    December 3, 2009 9:37 pm

    i really understand that feeling… when i was near the end of law school, i couldn’t imagine NOT having ‘finishing law school’ as my biggest goal. it takes a while to decompress after that last final… i think a few months with no goals is a GREAT idea. 🙂 congrats!

  5. December 4, 2009 6:09 am

    Oh man you have worked so hard and you’re so close! I can’t imagine what it’s like working full time and going to school also. I bet it will be hard to relax after such a tough schedule! Good for you for taking time for yourself. You definitely deserve it!!

  6. December 4, 2009 8:48 am

    Heh! It seems your relax is like all the rest of our relax. By relax e mean take the pressure off and do fun “for ourselves” things.

    I would seriously try to stay in the moment until you’ve completed your biggest goal of all. Sometimes when the end gets near we look towards an unknown future and have a need to fill it in. What happens is we take our eyes off the goal at hand and suddenly is gets a little farther away because our attention is diverted.

    RELAX, but stay in the moment and really focus on finishing strong! Beat of Luck!

  7. December 4, 2009 11:33 am

    Most pf bloggers are an ambitious lot. You and others have got me thinking about my 2010 goals. I used to make a lot of resolutions and actually made many of my goals. Nowadays, my goals are not so lofty so I don’t know if I’ll post them on my blog. I don’t know if buying more colorful shoes qualifies as a resolution…

    You definitely deserve to relax a bit!

  8. December 4, 2009 8:27 pm

    You sound exactly like me!

    Congratulations on being almost done and I hope you have fun on your well deserved break. You should definitely get a massage or two, as well as a mani/pedi for all of your hard work.

  9. December 4, 2009 10:10 pm

    Relax! What a great idea. 🙂

  10. December 4, 2009 10:35 pm

    @all – thanks so much for all the encouraging comments!

    @chloe – maniped, yes! I still am unable to splurge on a massage. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I just can’t fork over the money.

    @Trevor – Hi! good to hear from you!

  11. December 7, 2009 7:38 am

    I can completely relate! I read your goals to my boyfriend and he gave me the “why don’t you try that” look!!!

    Any ideas on this relaxing? I guess that would defeat the point… planning your relaxation!

    I have the same trouble… i like to find new things to set goals for so I can procrastinate on the task at hand. I call it “productive procrastination”

    (What do you mean my closet doesn’t NEED to be cleaned out this weekend?! Of course it does!!!)

  12. sfordinarygirl permalink
    December 8, 2009 7:43 pm

    One of the hardest parts of being young and in your 20s is not doing everything. There’s always something nagging to do. When I hear those voices that tell me I should be more productive or tackle more goals, I acknowledge I’m not working hard and I’m okay with that. It’s actually good not to be so goal oriented for a few months. It gives you time to feel out the different things you’re doing and see what you like. Sometimes it’s really nice just to be an open-ended explorer rather than an ambitious go-getter. I’m learning just sitting at home, not reading, thinking or doing is a nice way to relax. It keeps your brain from feeling overwhelmed and cluttered.

  13. December 12, 2009 9:14 am

    Good luck with the relaxing! I know how difficult that can be 🙂


  1. Starting out 2010 in the Desert « Stacking Pennies

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